Feb 28, 2023Liked by Lola Milholland

So good, as usual!

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Lovely work! I'm in perimenopause, and I think I have been for like 11 years. How much fucking longer can this thing last? I've been reading the books, listening to the podcasts, trying to claw my way through it alive, sense of humor intact. (Oh and hi, this is Josh's wife Tiffany from Plazm).

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Mar 1, 2023Liked by Lola Milholland

Loved this post, Lola. As someone who is ‘pausin, love to see the recognition this time in a woman’s life is finally getting. Will add it to my meno to read list. Obsternity forever!

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Feb 28, 2023Liked by Lola Milholland

And then, just after clicking POST, I see she commented just as I was writing! What a life.

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Good read! I can appreciate being approached in a variety of indiscreet, uncomfortable and down right wrong ways. Generally by men but women too at times.

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This piece is precious, Lola! You lead through deeply exploring your experiences. It is a gift you share with your readers, and I am so delighted when each "group living" shows up - a recipient of your gifts of discovery and insight. This one gives me incentive and inspiration to look at my own transitions - the current one being passing the 3/4 century mark and wondering what that means.

I imagine this piece came at the time of your birthday which always provides the opportunity for perspective shift! HAPPY BIRTHDAY (a few days after)

Say hi to Kristin Ohlson whom i cross paths with from time to time. She mentioned you in her latest amazing book "Sweet In Tooth and Claw" as sharing writing space. I love it.

The very best to you!

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